St Gregory the Theologian Lessons

The Nicene Creed Scrolls

Saint Gregory is one of four saints called Theologian. He had a special gift for finding the best words.
He helped to write the Nicene Creed, the meeting of bishops that wrote out a description of God. Father, Son and Holy Spirit
and how they relate to eachother.
Practice declaring our faith in God by learning the Creed.

Here’s a printable version- as seen above

You will need:
crate paper or construction paper, Modge podge, scissors, printouts of the Creed
Optional- stickers or stamps to decorate for very little kids

Activities for memorizing
-Say and repeat- you say a small phrase and they repeat
-Say in unison
-Read aloud (if able)
-Read around (if able)- each kid reads one line, student by student until you’ve read the entire Creed
-Write a section on a whiteboard, each time you say it, let a kid erase one word until its gone
-Give a small reward to all kids who have a section memorize the following week- go section by section until they can say it all.